About Me

Hi Y’all! My name is Isaiah Franco and I am a Biology Major with a focus in Pharmacy/Pharmaceutical Sciences. I was born in Mount Holly, New Jersey, but I moved to New Mexico from San Antonio, Texas following my graduation from high school. My parents are both high-ranking recruiters in the Air Force, so I am very accustomed to the travel lifestyle so finally getting to live in a placefor more than 1-2 years is definitely a welcome change. This is only my second semester but so far I am absolutely loving it here at UNM. I am currently employed as a pharmacy technician, but I hope to complete my studies and become a pharmacist. I earned my pharmacy tech certification in my senior year of high school and have been employed as a tech for about 8 months. Over the course of the semester I learned many new ways to approach writing as well as analyzing different pieces of literature as a means to view the world through different lens and viewpoints. One of the biggest lessons I learned this year in English 1120 was how to use writing as a way to create commentary on social issues. I have strong viewpoints on different topics such as mental health, forest restoration, and planetary conservation and the lessons I learned in English 1120 has allowed me to voice my viewpoints into writing as well as research ideas and further my understanding of my own as well as others viewpoints and perspectives of topics whether they be in agreement or opposition.

This website was created to organize my completion of the three major writing assignments throughout English 1120. Additionally, it contains the different course outcomes that relate to each major writing assignment and my viewpoints on how I completed each one. I structured my revisions for each major writing assignment as a video so that the format would not become messed up when transferred or viewed in the Major Writing Assignments tab. Each revisions video is a commentary on the changes that I intended to make if my technology allowed for revisions without messing up the formatting and making it unviewable.